By Pat Shelly
Resources from the International Social Work #MacroSW Twitter Chat on May 22, 2014 are listed below.
A summary with an edited stream of tweets is at Storify .
Here is the link to the blog post that was the basis for this chat: “Global to Local: Social Work Goes International”
Resources mentioned in the chat are below at the end of the References/Resources section taken from the blog post.
Helpful Article
A Student’s Guide To Planning A Career In International Social Work by Ann Glusker, University of Pennsylvania
Here’s a list of some areas that may involve international social work:
- Social work with communities in conflict
- Cultural considerations for youths in care
- Poverty, inequality and human rights
- Refugee and asylum seeker social policy
- The use of healing rituals in the recovery after trauma
- Synthesizing indigenous and international social work theory
- Terrorism and social work
- Public administration without borders
- Meta-practice: A new paradigm for global social work
This list comes from presentation topics at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development in Melbourne (July 2014). It is organized by by the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW), and the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW).
International Social Work and Social Welfare Organizations
Global Impact (International Social Service Organization)
International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW)
International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)
International Consortium for Social Development
International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)
European Institute for Social Work
European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna)
Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
U.S. National Organizations
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE):
Katherine A Kendall Institute for International Education
National Association of Social Workers (USA): International Resources
Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA)
International Social Work Journals
- Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work. (National University of Singapore in collaboration with the Asia Pacific
Association of Schools of Social Work) - Australian Social Work
- British Journal of Social Work
- Caribbean Journal of Social Work
- European Journal of Social Work
- Indian Journal of Social Work
- International Social Work – Official journal of IFSW, IASSW, and ICSW
- Journal of Social Development in Africa. School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Social Development Issues. The Journal of the Inter-University Consortium for International Social
Development - Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk. South Africa
- Social Worker/Travailleur Social. Canadian Association of Social Workers
United Nations Resources:
There are many excellent U.N. resources with important human rights, social welfare and social development reports, and the U.N. conventions on human rights.
General U.N. website
UN Children’s Rights & Emergency Relief Organization UNICEF
UN Development Programme
Additional Links:
- The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)
- International Labor Organization (ILO)
- Social Security Programs throughout the World – Research Statistics, Policy Analyses
- eAtlas (World Bank) Millennium Development Goals
The Global Agenda for Social Work by David Niven
Similarities and Differences between Social Work in the United States and the United Kingdom: Interview with David Niven
Podsocs Has a number of related podcasts under its Global link
Profiles in Social Work (U. Toronto Podcasts): Gabriela Agatiello is a counselor with individuals who have survived torture and war:
inSocialWork (U. Buffalo Podcasts):
Peeling the Fear from the Past: Building Community Capacities for Healing Refugee Trauma as a Human Rights Strategy. Dr. Patricia Shannon, Episode 76
Social Work and Human Rights. Dr. Elisabeth Reichert, Episode 41
Native Americans and a Human Rights and Trauma-Informed Perspective. Agnes Williams, Episode 129
Resources mentioned in the #MacroSW Chat 5-22-14:
Sources for Int’l SW jobs:
Placement Agency for International Jobs:
HCL Workforce Solutions
an interview with a representative from this agency:
“How to Snag a Job in International Social Work”
So You Want to Work Abroad?
Organizations involving Int’l SW: in addition to those listed above
The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Network for Social Work Management
United Nations Youth Delegates